Data Acquisition 



  • Data acquisition electronics box with USB interface

  • Supports inertia dynos, roller based dynos with 1 brake or 2 brakes (4WD or dual brake on one axel), and hub dynos with 2 brakes (2WD)

  • A setup with 2 boxes supports 4WD hub dynos (4 brakes, 4 load cells and 4 RPM sensors).

  • All brake outputs use individual brake controllers (i.e. supports setups with different brakes and different load on front and rear axel)

  • 1 k-type thermocouple input (for water, cylinder head or exhaust temperature). Can add up to 8 more thermocouples using the CAN Tool plugin.

  • 3 analog (0V-5V) inputs, for example for Lambda sensors, MAP, boost, etc. Can add more analog channels using the VM167 plugin.

  • 2 RPM inputs

  • 2 Brake control outputs, each supporting either Pulse width modulation (PWM) and analog (0-5V) signals. 1 output supporting Stepper motor

  • Self powered from the USB cable, no external power supply

  • Supports any analog load cell for brake/absorption dynos. Specify max load when ordering or use your own load cell(s)

  • The instrument kit includes environmental sensors (temperature, humidity and air pressure) for automatic horsepower correction according to various standards (SAE J1349, DIN70020, ISO 1584, JIS D1001).The instrument kit includes environmental sensors (temperature, humidity and air pressure) for automatic horsepower correction according to various standards (SAE J1349, DIN70020, ISO 1584, JIS D1001).

  • Horsepower correction factor using to SAE J1349 (based on temperature, ambient pressure and humidity from manual entry or from environmental sensors (included)

  • Support for low cost OBD2 adapters (bluetooth or USB) in the ELM327 series

  • Support for low cost USB CAN bus adapters

  • Support for KMTronic external relays, controlled by buttons or by data channels being over or under a threshold. Use this to for example automatically turn on a fan.

  • Easy to use FREE PC software with setup wizards and calibration options

  • Software supports a plugin system that enables endless opportunities for integrating other sensors.